Thursday, September 5, 2024

Loan Was Charged Off But Vehicle Was Never Repossessed

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Can A Charged Off Loan Be Reinstated

Charged off loan – title for vehicle

Once a loan is charged off, don’t count on the loan showing up on the company’s books again. Even if you offer to pay it, chances are it’s been transferred or sold and the original company no longer has an interest in it. If you pay the debt, the company that purchased the account should show that you paid it off, but unfortunately, the original lender can continue reporting the charge off for seven years.

How Can I Get A Charge

If you cant pay the balance in full, you can try to start negotiations with the creditor.

  • Step 1: Determine who owns the debt.
  • Step 2: Find out details about the debt.
  • Step 3: Offer a settlement amount.
  • Step 4: Request a pay-for-delete agreement.
  • Step 5: Get the entire agreement in writing.
  • Why You Should Never Pay A Collection Agency

    On the other hand, paying an outstanding loan to a debt collection agency can hurt your credit score. … Any action on your credit report can negatively impact your credit score – even paying back loans. If you have an outstanding loan that’s a year or two old, it’s better for your credit report to avoid paying it.

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    How Are Charge Offs Treated In Bankruptcy

    When you file for bankruptcy, you agree to disclose your entire financial situation in exchange for the benefits provided by the chapter that you file.

    You must list all debts when you fill out your bankruptcy paperworkincluding charged off accounts. If you don’t list them, you risk the debts not being discharged . All kinds of debt can be charged off, including car loans and other debt secured by collateral, and unsecured debt, like a credit card balance, medical bill, or personal loan. If you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you can expect the court to discharge the charged-off debt within three to four months . In a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you’ll pay any discretionary incomethe amount remaining after paying allowed monthly expensesto your unsecured creditors over the course of your Chapter 13 bankruptcy payment plan. All eligible unsecured debts get discharged when you complete your plan.

    If the charge off is a secured debtsuch as a car loan or mortgagethen you’ve likely already lost the collateral through repossession or foreclosure. In that case, you’ll list the account as an unsecured debt in your bankruptcy paperwork.

    If a debt has been charged off but you still have the collateral, and you’d like to keep it, you should speak with a bankruptcy attorney as soon as possible.

    California Repo Laws: When Can A Creditor Repossess My Property

    Apply for Financing

    In California, the lender may repossess your car as soon as you default on the loan, even if the payment is just one day late. The specific terms of your loan agreement may give you a grace period, so read it carefully. . In addition, the lender is entitled to repossess after default of any kind on the loan agreement. That means that not only is your car at risk if you miss a payment or pay late, but if you break another term of the loan agreement. For example, auto loans require that you keep the car insured. If you allow your insurance to lapse, your lender has the right to repossess.

    You dont have to be present for the lender to repossess your car. They can take the property from any publicly accessible area, including your driveway. However, a repossession agent cant break into your house or into a locked or fenced area without permission from the legal owner of the property .

    Of course, just because the lender has the right to repossess doesnt necessarily mean that it will do so. Its much easier and cheaper for the lender if you simply continue to make your payments. Theyll only act to repossess if they believe that youre not going to pay or that youll destroy the collateral.

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    How Long Does A Repossession Stay On Your Credit Report

    Repossession is scary enough on its own, but when you figure in the idea that this could have lasting credit implications, the pressure can seem higher than ever. A car repossession will stay on your credit report for 7 years. This 7-year figure is determined by the date at which the account first became delinquent and was never brought current.

    In the event of a car repossession, this means that the credit mark will be removed 7 years from the date of the first missed payment that leads to the car ultimately being repossessed. Considering thered be no account activity , the entire account that the car loan was handled through would be deleted from your credit score as a whole after those 7 years had passed. You wont need to submit any requests to have this information removed, the process is handled automatically.

    Your lender will more than likely do their best to try and get you to make a payment, but be warned: a payment on the account ultimately constitutes account activity, which can potentially start that 7-year timeline back at day 1. This is where it helps to speak with an attorney before making any moves.

    What Happens To A Charged Off Auto Loan

    A charged-off car loan, like a charged-off debt, is sold by the original lender. However, just because it’s charged off doesn’t mean you’re no longer responsible for paying it. The loan is typically sold or transferred to another lender or to a collection agency, and they attempt to collect the debt from you.

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    A Repossession Stays On Your Credit Report For 7 Years

    If you are late to pay an account and then bring it current, the late payment will be removed after seven years, but that doesn’t mean the entire account will be removed with it. In that instance, only the delinquencies up to the point the account became current, which have reached the seven-year mark, will be removed. The rest of the account history will remain on the report.

    If there are no other delinquencies in the history, the account status will become positive. Positive accounts remain on your credit report for 10 years from the date they are closed, or indefinitely if they are open.

    In the case of a repossession, the account was never brought current, so the entire account will be removed seven years from the original delinquency date. The original delinquency date is the date of the first missed payment that led up to the repossession status.

    There are other dates in the credit report, as well. Some you might see are the open date of the account, the date the account was closed, the date of the last payment or activity on the account, or the date the account was last updated by the lender. None of these dates have any bearing on when negative information will be removed from the credit report.

    Once the seven-year period is reached, Experian will delete the account from your credit report automatically. You don’t need to request that it be removed.

    What To Do If Your Car Loan Has Been Charged Off

    How to get a repo deleted off your credit report

    When your car loan has been charged off there are several steps you can take. If the account has not yet been turned over to a collection agency, you might reach out to the lender directly and ask if you can pay a flat amount to completely clear up the debt. You might also try to negotiate loan terms that are more manageable for you.

    You could also look into the statute of limitations for your state surrounding debt collection efforts to learn how much longer the lender or a collection agency can continue to try and collect from you. Depending on where you live, the statute of limitations can be anywhere from three to 10 years from the date of default.

    Keep in mind that the charge-off will remain on your credit report for seven years and affect your ability to get any more car loans. Loan charge-offs will also affect any future interest rates you are offered, so it may be best to try to resolve the debt directly.

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    What Are Your Options In This Situation

    Fortunately, you have several options.

    You could:

    • Ask your attorney to file a motion to redeem the car for a few dollars
    • Offer the lender a little money to release their lien from the title

    Both of these options will give you ownership of the car and the right to sell the car, but take time and cost money.

    Alternatively you could:

    • Keep the car and continue to use it as long as you want

    One court in New England has found that when the lender refuses to repossess the vehicle or release the lien, they are violating the bankruptcy discharge.

    This is not currently the rule in Minnesota as of June 18, 2012, but maybe that will change in the future.

    What Is An Auto Loan Charge

    An auto loan charge-off represents an amount that the bank or other lender assesses as an outstanding debt from someone who has bought a car, truck or other vehicle on credit. Banks find the charge-off amount by taking back the vehicle, reselling it, and sending the resulting amount, minus the sale price of the vehicle, to collection agencies for further attempts at collection.

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    Re: Vehicle Charged Off Want Pink Slip Original Lender Won’t

    Chargeoff means NOTHING to YOU.Falling off the credit report , means nothing with regard to the lien.if they forgave the loan they should release the lien. You might ask them again specifically that if they have forgiven the loan to file the release . They do NOT provide titles. You get that from the state after the lien is released .Your next step is to contact the DMV and find out who is listed as holding the lien. If it is not BMW Financial, you need to contact whoever it is. The DMV has a list of the contact information for many of the popular lenders/finance operations in the state. If the person you’ve been beating on at BMW isn’t the one listed, try them.This isn’t an abandoned vehicle. There are ways to proceed, but it depends really on information not yet provided here.

    Repossession & Your Credit Score

    Millions can

    Having a vehicle repossessed leaves a nasty scar on your credit history, which, of course, affects your overall credit score. Poor credit scores make it difficult for you to do everything from getting another loan to even landing a job.

    Learn more about how you credit score affects your life in our page on .

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    How To Remove A Charge

    When a charge-off is legitimate, its doubtful youll be able to get the charge off removed without paying off your debt at least partially. However, if you believe the charge-off is in error or even that one detail may be inaccurate, you might be able to get it removed without paying.

    In the event of an error, initiate a dispute investigation with the credit reporting agency, and notify the creditor youve disputed the charge-off. Youll need evidence, such as proof of payments.

    According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, if you see anything incorrect on your credit report, you have the right to dispute it via a letter. Doing this is often referred to as the 609 loophole.

    If the charge off is legitimate, get a current copy of your credit report. Each of the three major credit bureaus must provide you with a yearly free credit report. You can order your report at

    Look for the charge-off entry and make sure everything is 100% accurate. Suppose you see anything wrong, such as the account number, borrower names, balance, payment history, etc. In that case, you can dispute the entire charge-off entry with any credit bureau.

    If everything looks accurate, consider the following two options for how you might be able to pay the debt just partially rather than in full.

    What Can I Do If My Auto Loan Is Charged Off

    If your auto loan is charged off, you may be able to negotiate a payment plan with the lender or collection agency or debt buyer, if the debt has been transferred to repay what you owe. While repaying the loan wont remove the charge-off from your credit reports, it may help lessen the negative impact on your credit scores or your ability to get a loan in the future.

    If your lender hasnt sold your account to a debt collector, you can ask it to remove the charge-off from your credit reports after you pay off the debt. But the lender isnt obligated to do this.

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    Bankruptcy And Credit Score

    Even if paid, they have a drastic negative effect on your credit score. In fact, charge offs are the number one cause of people being rejected for loans. If your debt is classified as a charge off, the record will appear on your credit report for seven years and 180 days from the date of your last payment. Should you pay the charge-off during that time, the status will simply change to “paid charge-off,” or “settled charge-off” .

    Charge offs are unfair to business owners and monumentally destructive to the credit reports of those who owe money. The best thing to do, of course, is to always remain financially responsible and avoid being trapped in this position in the first place.

    Re: Loan Was Charged Off But Vehicle Was Never Repossessed

    Auto Repossession – How To Deal With Them…

    can they still take my car ? How does it become yours if you didn’t pay for it?I just want to know if them contacting me after all this time is this is the start of them taking my carthat is up to them. I’ve also been thinking about filing for bankruptcy due to identity theft. If i go ahead and do that, can they still take the car ? maybe. That would be up to the laws regarding exempt property and the trustee of your BK case.Since the loan was in california from 2005 can they still take my car ? it depends on what the collection agency purchased. If they purchased the contract outright, then yes, they would have all the rights of the original creditor. If they purchased only the debt itself, then no, they could not. I suspect it is a junk debt buyer and probably will not go to great lengths to reacquire the vehicle if you do not pay the loan. It may still be possible to sue you for the debt. I have not checked the two states statutes of limitations, tolling statutes, and borrowing statutes to determine if it is possible. And why after all this time would they want to the car now ?because you have not paid the loan like you promised.

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    How An Auto Loan Charge

    When a lender considers an auto loan debt uncollectible, it can choose to begin the charge-off process, which includes a variety of steps with ramifications that will affect you.

  • The debt is shifted from asset to liability. Step one of an auto loan charge-off is simply an accounting classification. The lender shifts the loan from its assets column and officially categorizes it as a liability. At this point the loan is no longer considered income for the lender.
  • Notification of default. Depending on the state you live in, the lender may be required to send you a notice of default and give you a chance to repay the outstanding debt. Not every state requires this.
  • A third-party collection agency may take over collection. Often when a loan is charged off by the original lender, its sent to a third party, such as a collection agency, which takes over pursuing debt repayment. Collection efforts may even include suing you for repayment. If theres a judgment against you, a portion of your wages may be garnished as repayment.
  • The charge-off is reported to credit bureaus. Once a debt is charged off by a lender, your credit score also takes a hit. This is because the charge-off is reported to all of the credit bureaus as a derogatory remark, and it typically remains on your report for up to seven years. You may see as much as a 100 point drop in your credit score and can have trouble securing a car loan in the future.
  • Which Is Worse: Repossession Or Charge

    Charging off a loan doesn’t mean that the lender is giving up on collecting it, as many people believe. A charge-off is not a collection action at all. It is an accounting entry. Lenders consider a loan, like your car loan, to be an asset. If you aren’t making your payments, and the lender can’t take possession of the car, the lender is required to take the loan off its books so that it won’t show up as an asset and artificially inflate the lender’s value. Charge-offs usually happen when your loan becomes delinquent for 120 days.

    The charge-off doesn’t affect the lender’s right to collect the loan or your obligation to pay it. When the loan is charged off, you’re still liable for it until it’s paid in full, or the lender forgives it, or you discharge the debt in a bankruptcy, even if the lender reports it to the credit bureaus as a charge-off or sells the uncollected loan to a collection agency.

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